
Making clinical research more open and accessible

What is CDISC?

Clinical data that is submitted to the FDA and PMDA is required to be in CDISC format.

CDISC (Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium) is a not-for-profit SDO (Standards Development Organization) that develops data standards for clinical research.

FDA & PMDA Required CDISC Standards

The US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and Japanese PMDA (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency) require the following CDISC standards:

CDISC data submissions are to be performed, documented and validated according to the regulator’s technical conformance guide and validation/business rules that are available at:

Other CDISC Standards

CDISC has other standards that aim to cover the entire clinical data lifecycle including:

Next Steps

ClinBuild also has introductions to the following CDISC standards:


If you require more information or CDISC consultancy services please contact on or +49 176 578 16593.